
Posts Tagged ‘opportunities’

We’ve seen two upgrades from analysts in the last two days for Activision Blizzard.  It is now trading below the price Vivendi paid to acquire majority control of the merged entity.  As I’ve mentioned before, cash flow analysis pegged ATVI at about $12.50.  Clearly the run up in share price after the merger was at least in part due to a healthy dose of unrestrained euphoria, and I wouldn’t bank on it getting back to the high teens any time soon.  The assumptions behind the cash flow analysis (or any analysis, for that matter) must necessarily change to reflect the credit crisis and general state of the economy.  Having said that, this thing is now a much more reasonable value and if you believe in the expansion possibilities of video games, this could well be a good entry point.  (more…)

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What a bloodbath. Apple fell through its February ’08 low a little while back and the stock is now “broken” as the chart-meisters would say. Right now it’s flirting with the magic century-mark, which is always a psycological watershed. Where will it bottom? (more…)

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