
Posts Tagged ‘gamers’

Couple of things that interest me coming out of Blizzcon.  The first is that Starcraft II is being split into three separate releases, about a year apart for each, based on the three races of the game: terrans, zerg and protoss.  While the fanbase at Blizzcon seemed a little less than enthused, I think it makes sense from a business point of view.  Splitting it up like this lets them go deep with each race and shakes things up a little, and expand this franchise.  The key with this game is the Asian market.  Whatever Blizzard does, they can’t mess with Starcraft’s popularity in Asia.  That’s the golden goose for this game.  I hope they did some advance polling over in that market before pulling the trigger on this move.  


Wizard class for Diablo III.  Supposedly the wizard is able to slow down time, which enables him/her to dodge.  Earlier they had also announced both a Barbarian and Witch Doctor class.  Check out the screenies and such.  Looks pretty cool.

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So you probably heard about the little spat between Activision Blizzard and Warner Music concerning royalties for songs on Guitar Hero.  Or maybe you didn’t.  Either way, I’m going to talk about it, because it gives us a hint about the future of music in gaming. (more…)

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