
Archive for the ‘Market predictions’ Category

As I said two days ago, the one-day, record setting bounce in the stock market was not to be trusted.  Two days later, it has given back all but 127 points after posting the second largest point loss ever today.  We’re still seeing emotion-driven trading, and there’s no sign of that letting up just yet.  But the structures have been put in place around the world to get the gears turning again.  Have patience, and like I said here, focus all of that nervous energy on taking a hard look at your personal budget and looking for cuts.

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Talk about a roller coaster ride. The market had its single largest point gain yesterday. It was also the 5th largest gain on a percentage basis. Personally, I don’t trust it.

Do you know when the largest percentage gain was? 1933.  Yep, smack dab in the middle of the great depression. In fact, eight of the top 10 all time best days occurred during the depression. Why? (more…)

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Gather ’round everyone because I feel a moment of clairvoyance coming on. That’s right, my eyes are starting to roll back up in their sockets and my voice sounds like 7 different people speaking at one time. So take your seats around the table, join hands, and try not to scream when the lights suddenly cut out. It’s a *Digital Seer Prediction* (more…)

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We’ve seen two upgrades from analysts in the last two days for Activision Blizzard.  It is now trading below the price Vivendi paid to acquire majority control of the merged entity.  As I’ve mentioned before, cash flow analysis pegged ATVI at about $12.50.  Clearly the run up in share price after the merger was at least in part due to a healthy dose of unrestrained euphoria, and I wouldn’t bank on it getting back to the high teens any time soon.  The assumptions behind the cash flow analysis (or any analysis, for that matter) must necessarily change to reflect the credit crisis and general state of the economy.  Having said that, this thing is now a much more reasonable value and if you believe in the expansion possibilities of video games, this could well be a good entry point.  (more…)

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What a bloodbath. Apple fell through its February ’08 low a little while back and the stock is now “broken” as the chart-meisters would say. Right now it’s flirting with the magic century-mark, which is always a psycological watershed. Where will it bottom? (more…)

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As a professional investor, I have been repeatedly asked my opinion of the credit crisis and what will come of it all. My first answer is that we’ll get through it, so just sit tight.  My second point is that it’s vital that people understand what led to the crisis so that we can learn from our mistakes.  And yes, they are our mistakes, as in all of us as people with money invested in the market, not their mistakes.  (more…)

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In my last post I brashly predicted that gaming will be at the forefront of digital convergence.  Why? Because the youth of the world are spending billions of dollars each year to play in the digital world. This means that it’s the gaming companies that have the current revenue streams and profit margins that enable them to push the technological envelope.  They will develop (and own) the technologies that businesses and non-gaming inviduals will later use to operate in the digital world (when they finally get with the program). (more…)

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Everyone knows that the youth of the world are nearly always the early adapters of change. In music, the youth of the day were the first to take to the revolutions called jazz and later, rock ‘n roll. Not long into the 1980s, young people took up the technology revolution with a vengance. It wasn’t long before they had outpaced their seniors in terms of figuring out such gizmos as VCR’s, walkmans, and PC’s.

Looking at today’s youth, they are far more internet savvy than their parents. They are leading the digital revolution, and really don’t even see it is a “revolution”, but just their preferred way of doing things.

So the young folks will lead this charge. And what are youth into?


Gaming will be at the forefront of digital convergence. That’s prediction number one. More later…

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